Thursday 4 June 2009

missing what I never really had.

He talked about a woman he knew just moments before, it was in the kitchen. She said somewhere far away, she missed what she never really had. It summed him up like a pair of nicely fit jeans.
When he turned around she was there, just pixels and light thinking his thoughts for him around the same time.
It made him feel better or worse, less alone or more. He was lonely far inside himself, on the shelf where he kept his most secret feelings (its somewhere through his middle, near the stomach) the place he can breathe to if he tries really hard or not at all.
He stared at the pixels and light and guessed he would feel like that at least for the rest of the evening, it had been months already.

Tuesday 10 March 2009

We Want YOU

Fantasy job application: You are a recently graduated, articulate, and creative person with both visual flair and an eye for detail. We want you to join our small team of brilliant geniuses who get paid unfeasibly large amounts of money to sit around and do arty stuff and engage in witty banter. You will need good interpersonal skills, the ability to drink your own weight in alcohol, and a fairly rounded knowledge of the last few centuries of interesting stuff. Work begins immediately. BYO dressing gown and easy chair.

Tuesday 3 February 2009

I wish...

...I'd had this diary in 2005. It would have comforted me during some pretty dark days.